Fsnavigator for fs2004
Fsnavigator for fs2004

It was not designed for FSHost use to start with.

fsnavigator for fs2004

It has been the consensus of a lot of us trying to get AIBridge to work well with FSHost servers that is is not a very successful piece of software for that purpose. and AIBridge has been nothing but problematic in that application. I run a simpit, and have a very good payware NAV gauge in the "aircraft" that displays traffic. I have not tried to use AIBridge with Flight Sim Commander, but I (and others) HAVE tried to use it (rather unscussefully) to inject the online user data stream into other TACAS and traffic type gauges. When we connect FS2004 multiplayer AI aircraft disappear (this seems normal from reading other posts).Īlthough AIBridge appears on server and we get connection message across FS2004 screen nothing displayed in FSCĪre we missing something simple - can anyone help?Ĭan't speak directly to FS Commander and AIBridge combined. We have AI toggled visible, Menu/GPS AI traffic all choices ticked. We have also logged into the same public server from FS2004 Multiplayer connect and can see each other within FS2004. We have managed to get AIBridge to connect to the public server and it appears on the list of players on the FSHost Server Status page as an observer, status not in plane. They have not specified exactly how they did it. I have read through the forum and get the impression that other users are able to see other aircraft logged on public servers using AIBridge appearing in FSC with identifiers, height and speed.

Fsnavigator for fs2004 how to#

No problems using FS2004 and FS Navigator, but other members like me are desperate to get it to work with FSC, but have not worked out how to do it. I have recently joined Jersey Virtual ( ) who have their own FSHost Server with public and private IP addresses. FSUIPC settings TCAS=0, TCAS id String=Flight

Fsnavigator for fs2004